Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Morning Countdown...

"Read a book outside.
 Take a walk in the park.."
~ Thomas Kinkade

Every morning is a new beginning.  The start of something wonderful.  Maybe the day before was a rough day at work, even a couples quarrel, a new baby kept you up all night, or you are counting down the days to something wonderful.  The second you wake up; the slate is clean.  Everything the day before has ended.  A new day is born. Friday Paul and I talked about booking his flight to Texas and on Saturday, as most of you already know, we booked his flight.  He is going to visit with me for six full days.  From that moment on, I made a point to capture my mornings.    I never step onto my balcony without my camera, there is nothing like watching the sun spread her rays, hearing the birds greet the new day, looking past Interstate 35 and seeing the beautiful trees in the distance.

Saturday May 28, 2011 Morning

Just imagine this view with a cup of coffee.  Breath taking isn't it.  I sometimes wonder, if everyone woke just a little earlier, and spent the morning enjoying the view ... Would we be happier people?

I wonder.  Even through trials and tribulations of life. A new day might not bring you a clean slate, but it will offer new prospective. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Honoring PFC Carlos James Lozada

Memorial Day is  observed on the last Monday in May, was first know as Decoration Day, it commemorates U. S. Service Members who died while serving in the military.  A Ritual of remembrance.

Today, I remember a great man.  A man who stood and protected his fellow 173d Sky Soldier Brothers.  This Great Man laid down his life on November 20th, 1967 on Hill 875.. Leaving behind a wife and his only child, a daughter.

The Great Man I speak of ; is my uncle ...

Counting Days and The excitement ...

The wheels are set in motion.  Dates are set.  A time line is narrowed down.  The ticket is purchased. 

I am  beside myself.  Elated, beyond anything even imaginable.  

Depart  ~ 6/6

This is the point where a dream turn into reality.  The starting point anyway, it wont seem real until I am standing face to face with it.  A round trip ticket, departing from Florida, will arrive 2 hours from my front door in about a week.   I want to scream from the roof top, only I'm really scared to even climb up there.  I search  around my apartment, wanting everything to be perfect.  Moving this item, cleaning that trinket, tossing out the thing a ma gig that has been taking up space for months. 

Then about lunch time, or maybe it was dinner, it hits me {only cause I was hungry} ...

There isn't a thing to eat .. I haven't went grocery shopping .. That's right, I haven't a clue how to cook !!!

If old statements are true "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach"  then man am I in trouble.  Better either plan out a meal guide for that week, or we just might starve.  I have made no secret of not knowing how to cook, but being faced with a date, somehow has stamped pathetic across my forehead.  Good thing there is internet connections and people like Ree Drummond, she can cook, and lucky for me .. she post her recipes online.  The picture by picture and step by step instructions are going to be quite helpful, not that my computer is in the kitchen ~ or anywhere near it.  I am ready to take on the challenge; jump right into the unknown world of kitchen terminology, and break out the pots and pans.  Lord help me, and please guide me through the lack of cooking knowledge and don't let me burn anything... Please.

With 7 days to go, there is much to be done.  The ticket was booked on Saturday, dates and times carefully looked over as we planned via phone and web cam. It was agreed that the departing day would be the 6th, after my scheduled time of work, and allowing us to spend my two full days off together.  Followed by only two working day, and then another two days off .. really just one because the departing flight in on the 12th.   6 days await us, and they can not get here fast enough.  
The only thing that has me worried, is I can't cook.  And I haven't seen him in 29 years.  Also that my teenage physique left me long ago.  Oh,plus no one has stayed in my apartment before, who wasn't a child or grand child that is.  The excitement of it all !!

Arrive ~ 6/6

The Wisest Words ...

One hot summer afternoon
A few days ago, on Thursday,  my daughter Tabitha came over to my apartment to pick up my camera; it was Award Ceremony day at Bynum School, and her son Garrett was due to get an award.   Plus, unbeknown to school officials, he had plans to moonwalk across the stage.  When she showed up, we talked some about Paul and the plans we were tossing around about him making a trip to visit me here in Texas.  We have been talking alot about it in fact, and in truth; about the possibilities of me moving back to Florida.  I hadn't said anything to either of my daughters or my son in Virgina, and I hadn't mentioned it to Tabitha that day.  While standing at the landing; Tabitha spoke the purest words of wisdom to me, and it hit home... struck a cord deep inside of me, and brought me back in time.  

"When are you moving back to Florida?  Mom, it's time.  We are all grown, you have given enough of yourself, put your life on hold for us kids.  It is more then time for YOU to be happy." 

I thought about her words.  More then I would have ever admitted to anyone.  Took a look back into my life and realized something.  She was right.  Parents always put their children first, well I do, in everything.  There were times I remembered, buying new shoes for the girls and wearing their old ones; never buying any for myself.  While Tabitha was in high school, we wore the same size clothing, so I would buy for her and borrow when I needed something special to wear.  I always seen the need to spend on them, my children, rather then take the time and spend a penny on myself.  Ashley pretty much got what ever she asked for, she was my sickly child and because of the medical outcome the doctors gave her.. she never longed for anything.  James, well he is my son.. my only son.  No matter what he wanted, he got it.  Pets, collectibles, game systems and games. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vacation Adjustments ..

Well, this seems par for course..  Early to bed and now, early to rise.  4:30am, and I am wide awake.  Doesn't it Figure. 

 My Welcome home view Saturday, as I wait for my apartment key to arrive via Ashley ...

My first week back hasn't been to bad at all.  Although I miss New York like crazy;  the Garden City neighbor hood and it's colorful flowers.  The cool mornings and breezy afternoons.  My uncle Billy and Aunt Nina.  Riding around on the subways and Penn Station's public entertainment.  Lunch with Paco and Carlos, visiting with Jose'.  I miss everything about it.  I came back with a strong Bronx/Brooklyn accent, thank you Paco, Carlos, and Jose' for sharing; and my boss Amanda who began teaching me the correct pronouncement of particular words. Such as Talk, Walk, Right.. just to name a few.  Sadly enough; the longer I am away from the big city lights, that harder it is to hold on.

  Morning visit with my sweety Paul via Web Cam ...

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Perfect Man...


Very wise words come from the places least expected.  As a single parent, I have often given the best and worst parts of myself.  I think all single mothers do.  Though my children never longed for anything, and I gladly went without to make sure they had the very best, the biggest area I failed them was in happiness.  Not theirs; but mine.

"A flower like the rose, is perfect, and giving a
women a dozen of them is like saying
There is such a thing as perfect and
it is out there.  Don't give up.
You'll find it..."

The work of a single parent is never done.   There is the 9 to 5 job, and then there is the second, and hardest job, and it begins at home.  Times were tough, sure , what American family doesn't have their ups and downs?  Yet, when happiness would come calling for me, I often did not answer.  Contentment was within my children.  I learned long ago, that nothing last forever.  Forever was an impossible dream, even for the dream I was chasing.  Knowing what you want, and getting it; are two totally different things.  With my dream relationship out of my reach, and the vision of my perfect man unfindable; I lived the idea of what I thought happiness should be.  

Maybe someone should have pulled me aside and told me; you can't love enough for two people.  In fact, I've learned that you have to project the love you carry inside of yourself; onto the person it is meant for.  There is no Perfect Relationship, unless it is with the person with whom you fell in love with, in the beginning.  

 "It has to start with a beginning...."

  For years I thought, there was no such thing as a Perfect Relationship.  Who ever thought there was, is simply out of their minds.  Oddly enough {rather, NOT oddly enough}, throughout  those years I have talked to many women, and some men as well, who believe just as I did.  Perfect?  Just what is the definition of Perfect anyway?  You Dictonary.com tells me the answer to this very question:   Perfect ~ Complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound, flawless.  In a condition of complete excellence, faultless; most excellent; sometimes used in comparatively ....
I would be lying if sitting here I said "sure I've had many great loves"; in truth I couldn't even begin to tell you what that word even meant.  Love.  Humph, would I ever even know what it truly feels like?  Could the explanation of such a small word, L O V E,  even begin to open this closed heart? 

"The greatest thing in life to fear;   is fear it's self...."

 Throughout my young adult life, I would never let anyone close enough to even capture my heart.   I would distance myself,  use the excuse that I was "to busy with my children to get involved". or  "My family needs me first".   Goodness, I have even said "I don't like someone else walking into my family and telling my children what they can and can't do".  Through it all, my heart was saved.  Protected for the love of my life.  When I found him of course.  I wanted the fairy tale, but not those we read to our children.  I wanted the love, in the fairy tale.  I can remember telling my cousin Desi when he asked me one day,  who was the lucky guy;  I responded "He hasn't found me yet, but he will.  He's coming.  I can feel it." 

Float in the water.. So Delicate and Beautiful
 A Women in love ~ is as an Orchid... 
Floating on a cloud of infinite possibility... "

 Not one single time was hope lost.  Faith forgotten.  Dreams brushed aside.  I pushed on searching, waiting for the Perfect Man to find me.  One day, while sitting at my computer and searching through a list of "people you might know"  I came across one of my  high school teachers from East Bay High School, Mr. Roy Rogers.  A friend request and an acceptance leas to a simple question "Do you remember this picture, and why or what it was taken for?"  A scanned picture, and fate was knocking at my door. I searched the faced of the picture, adding names to those I remembered, and staring into the face of just one.   After all these years, I was looking into the face of the Perfect Man I have searching for.

It is funny how we, as humans, can push aside the daily trials of life.  Set aside the wants we have.   Learn to live with just the necessities.  There is one thing that can not be fooled ... and that is our hearts.  The ache I felt looking into that photo, was greater then anything I have ever felt.  As my heart raced, I literally had to grab my chest, just to ensure it wasn't going to leap out of my skin.   I eventually responded to the request of Mr. Rogers; and for days waited; watching the photo for a comment.  Longing to see his name pop up and place a quote, under the photo.  What I received was more then I could have ever hoped for.  A private message soon displayed on my computer monitor, as I sat in aw over his simple words "Hi, how are you.?".  What seemed to me as hours, I couldn't take my eyes off of his question.  Not only was fate knocking at my door, but there he traveled ... 1300 miles to Texas, to my apartment, so my internet connection, to me. 

"Knowing her Perfect Man,given the chance, 
could be anywhere in the world;
and seeing that he would
rather be with her.  Because life is better,
with her by his side..."

 Fate alone is wondrous to behold, but put it along with love  ~ and a Beautiful thing comes alive.  Many thanks to a high school teacher of long ago, Mr. Roy Rogers ... For bringing fate to Texas;  For a Senor photo I insisted the Perfect Boy take with me  ...  For connecting me with the Perfect Man...  To my daughter Tabitha ~ for the wise words; Thank you for letting me know  it is ok for me to let go and be happy.  And to the Perfect Man, Paul ~ Thank you ... You complete me..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Balcony Visions...

Tonight; after video chatting with my sweety Paul, I went to stand on my balcony.  I often do this to reflect on our conversations.  While I was standing out there, thinking of many wonderful things Paul said to me, I noticed something flying around, out there ..... in the darkness.

Right away my thoughts ran to, "Bats"..  That's me, one big chicken.

In an instant.... it was landing on my balcony.  Not just one, but two ...of what ever they were. 

Shoot !! why didn't I bring my camera ?!?  I always being my camera out on to the balcony !! {never know what shots you might miss}

I slid the sliding glass door open, like a theft in the night {being the chicken I am.. and because I didn't want the BATS to attack me and suck out all my blood}, tip toed into the living room, made a mad dash to my bedroom and snatched the camera. 

With the setting on Night Time Frame, and my finger on the silver button, quickly I heard.. click.. click.. click.. click.and began praying "Please don't attack me and suck my blood"  {To many Vampire movies would be my guess}

The New York Vietnam Memorial ...

The New York Vietnam Memorial is a glass block wall that stands 16 feet high and 70 feet long.  It isn't an Wall of Honor, etched with names of those killed on battles fields in Vietnam, rather is is etched with quotes.  Excepts from letters sent home.  Hope voiced from soldiers to their families, and from families to their loved ones.  

Standing in front of the wall, one can feel the pain written in each word, in each letter.  Sons and daughters a like share in the their stories.  Mothers and  fathers, sisters and brothers, children and grand children; visit this wall to remember.  To pay respect.  To be close to those lost long ago.  

I to,  found myself standing in front of this wall, longing and wishing for yesteryear's.  For the chance to get to know someone, to be able to live days and weeks, months and years; with an uncle who gave his life on the Hill of 875. 

 The ability to hold back tears, appear strong in the weakest moment of my life.  Frozen in front of memories, yet those memories weren't mine; but knowing they could have been feelings and memories my uncle shared was enough to spill the tears over onto my cheeks.  My heart ached like it had never before.  My knees began to buckle.  I had to touch it.  Put my hand on the words written, share in the pain of so many.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Searching for ...


 I just had to spend my time getting up before the crack of dawn, wait for the time when the sun is only thinking about coming up, and scan the sky.  Planet alignment is what I am searching for.  I don't know what I am more excited about; the thought of seeing other planets by looking Eastward, or knowing that 1300 miles away, my sweety is going to be scanning the sky as well. 

Funny isn't it; how the mere through of sharing a moment with some one, gives the project new meaning.  Giddy and ready to go, I race to my sliding glass door with coffee in hand.  I had already told everyone at work what I was going to be doing; and got the "She has lost her ever loving mind" look.  No one wanted to join in on the planet fun.  Quite alright with me, I am going to witness something that isn't going to happen again until 2024.

I love the "Sun"  setting on my camera.  Just look at that.

Standing on the balcony I wait.  And Wait.  And Wait.  Then wait some more.  The sun is breaking ground, and before I know it, she is peering over the ground and shining right at me.  Can't see the planet alignment with the sun in my face.   This was a flop.  I am so upset, I really wanted to see the planets.. Makes me wonder how close they would have been, was I even facing the right direction?  Geez, Paul had to tell me which way was East; did he tell me off my balcony or could it have been out my front door and into the field?  Leave it to me to get lost on my own apartment complex property.  Besides it was an over cased morning, wouldn't have gotten good pictures today anyway.. but there are still a few days to get the pictures I want of the planets.  In the mean time, These are beautiful pictures of the sun coming up, while the sky cleared; I even seen the moon still high up in the sky.

Always The New Yorker...

 Here I sit, Saturday night looking through the photos of my New York trip, when it  finally occurs to me and I fully understand the statement, "You can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl."  My trip to New York City, was a long awaited dream come true; that didn't last long enough.  If my sweety were with me, and I didn't love my job so much... I would have stayed right in Long Island. My uncle Billy's place is out of this world, Nina has done a fabulous job decorating the house, and the neighborhood is to die for.

Staying a few days at my uncles place in Long Island, brought out the girl who was missing in me. The Bronx Girl, and I can't even begin to tell you; just how much I missed her.  Like I was saying before, the neighborhood was out of this world.  The green grass, the colorful flowers planted in peoples yards.. I had died and went to heaven.  To top it all off, yards don't look that good here in Texas.. Not in my area anyway. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Stormy night prayer...

When I was a little girl there was nothing like sitting on the sofa and watching television with my father.  Once time we were engrossed in a black and white movie,  now I can't even remember the name of the movie.  I do remember, however, a wooden boat out to sea.. a very bad storm.. and when one of  bad guys grabbed one of the good guys and took him to the highest point of the boat.  I couldn't understand why anyone would want to be at the highest point of a boat during a storm;  and at the time didn't matter because there I was sitting with daddy, watching a black and white movie.  Anyway, with rope in his hands,  the bad guy ties the good guy to this pole like thing that sat in what I thought was a big bucket; right in the middle of this storm.  Before long, and right before my eyes.. the good guy gets struck by lightening.  Screaming.  Wiggling.  Screaming.  Then, another strike.  And another.  Until only clothes rested on his, tied up bones.  

From that point on, I have held a very high respect {and fear} of storms.  No joke.  Wednesday night while I was finishing up my day at work;  there was a loud rumble, a crack in the sky, and sound of heavy rain hitting the roof.  No big deal, I was in side.  I kept thinking that I was missing some of the greatest storm pictures in the history of me taking pictures.  I couldn't wait to get home and grab my camera.  Something told me, by the time I headed home, walked up two lights of steps, unlock my door and set my belongings down; the storm would be over.  This was only partly true.  While the rain let up long enough for my to grand daughters and myself to make a mad dash for my front door, which I am extremely grateful for, little did I know the best part of the storm was yet to come

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Birth of a New Day...

"We can make the choice 
to value and retain the
wide eye spark of childhood."
~ Thomas Kinkade 

No matter what day it is,  my mind is set on having a good day.   It may not always end up a good day, but I am determined to start my day, by Leaving the past behind me.   It is a promise I made to myself.  Each day is a new beginning and what might have happened the day before; is now in the past.    Every night before going to bed,  I set my alarm for 6:30am.  When the alarm rings, I head straight for the kitchen, Coffee !!   I only make a half pot  {no need for a full pot of coffee being single} and enjoy the smell as it fills the apartment.  I keep my living room blinds open enough to let the morning light dance across my coffee table and bounce off  the walls, brightening the space with the promise of a new day.  

As I slowly pull back the long blinds covering my sliding glass door, I scan the sky; searching for clues.  With the door gliding across the tracks; I tilt my head slightly back, close my eyes,  and take in a breath of the morning air..  

First Glance... Love the reflection in my left eye....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day reunion and Tears...

Mothers Day with The Mirror of Mom and The Mirror of Empty Nester was an interesting emotional reunion.  

Earlier this  afternoon, I received a phone call from my daughter Tabitha, asking if I was home.  Shortly after we hung up, my door bell rang and my grandson Garrett, with a great big smile, is standing there to greet me.  "Happy Mothers Day Nana" he said as he hugged me ever so tightly.  I needed that.  He just made my day.

He hands me a gift  in tissue paper wrapping, "This is for you"  I could only smile; cause I couldn't get the lump to go down and I knew if I had opened my mouth, the tear would have flowed like a mad river.  "For me?  Thank you baby"  "It's from all of us Nana.  You dont have to untie the ribbon; not like at Christmas time, you can just rip it open"  First I removed the card, "I'll read the card in a few minutes" I stated  "Yeah, that's a good idea" Garrett replied.  I pulled off the blue ribbon, carefully opened the tissue paper, lifted the foil gingerly and... fought very hard to keep the tears back.  I could feel them swelling in my eyes, longing to spill over.  "Oh, I always wanted one of these"  I choked out  "Mom made it you know.. but I liked it too." he added.  While holding the shirt I said  "I can't wait to wear it.  Where should I wear it to first?"  "Wear it on every Mothers Day, and when ever you want to.  Don't forget to read the card Nana."  Carefully I folded my shirt, opened the card and began to read.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Do Over?...

 If given the chance for a "Do Over", would you want to start back from the beginning?   This term came up yesterday, while I on enjoying the afternoon breeze I heard two children playing outside and one of them said to the other.. "I want a Do Over".   With a smile on my face, and as my youth flashed before my very eyes,  quietly to myself I thought....   "Nope.  Wouldn't care for a  "Do Over"  myself".... I hold close every memory; Trial and tribulation,  Greatest joys and Happiness,  and Every Pain and Tear I felt in my life.  They have Molded me into the Wiser person I am today..

Watching my children live it up,  is the greatest gift of my life.  Seeing them in love and sharing moments with their children; it doesn't get any better then that.

This is my youngest daughter Ashley.  She loves to have a good time, making people laugh, and is a loyal to her friends.   It is never a dull moment with Ashley,  laughing is how you'd spend every second with her..

Her first child... Welcoming her home... Building memories... Creating bonds...

Aging Gracefully; is that possible...

When I was attending High School,  science wasn't a big interest of mine.  Not all of it anyway.  I should have paid closer attention, mainly in the Gravity Department.  Who knows,  I could have masterminded a plan to prevent Gravity from taking over.  No one said I couldn't dream, huh?  

So,  I have dug out old photos and compared them each other.  What better way to tell me if I am aging gracefully. Right? And maybe, just maybe, there is an underlining reason for looking back to the aging posses.  There always is.

We arrived from New York to visit my grand parents, hadn't been in Florida very long when this picture was taken.  Why  was I wearing long sleeves is far beyond me.  Florida weather doesn't call for long sleeves, well at least not when I left three years ago.
Fact:  My mother use to fix my hair in a Dippie Do Style when I was younger. It kept my hair straight, shiny and full of bounce.  I use to love the nights my mother would fix my hair.

Just look at all those natural curls, goodness sakes.  Nice to see that my face has always been full and round.
Fact:  I would spend a long time in the mornings, standing in front of the mirror making sure my hair looked perfect.   Trying to impress a young gentlemen.  The things ladies do...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh was a Beautiful Morning...

Today upon waking up, I knew my day off would involve an investigation, and getting a few things done.  Nothing major, just a small mind boggling investigation; well there is a story behind it. 

See, some times in the morning when I would walk out of my apartment there was always a bird to greet me, and believe me when I tell you; not every time was a happy greeting.  These past few days haven't been to bad, and that got me to wondering, {yeah I know.. courtesy killed the cat} but seriously,  for the most part I was ducking, bobbing and swooping when coming in and out of my apartment.  

Well, that would explain it.  Looks like it's empty now, hope I didn't make them fly the coop.. or is that saying just for chickens only?

My Everything.. My Mom...

Today we celebrate You, Mom...  All you have given. All you have done. All that you are.  I cherish you Mom.  

~ My Mom ~
 Although I am  1300 miles away from you today mom, know that with each morning and at the end of each night; I share the things I do with you.

From a funny moment, instant worry or fear; I know you are is just a phone call away.  With each photo I take of my grand children or children; the memories are always shared with You. 

I often reach back and remember the days we filled our time with projects of Blue Star Mothers, filling boxes for our Troops, or sending out Christmas Cards to a Ship full of Sailors, and smile holding on to each step I took; with my mother stood beside me.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

~ My eldest Daughter Tabitha and My Mom ~

Holidays are the hardest for me, as they are often spent alone; but then thoughts of past family gatherings flood my memories, bringing me inner peace and comfort.  No matter what the time of day; one thing I know stands true; with the sound of ring in my ear... You are never far way.

~ My youngest daughter Ashley and my Mom ~
In a few short days, You and I will take a trip to New York.  It is time I can't wait to spend, and new memories I will hold close to my heart for ever. 

You have given me more then I can ever hope Mom.  Surpassed what dreams would be possible.  I couldn't be more proud to call You,  Mom. 

Know that there is no distance 
no land to wide or waters to deep
to keep my love from finding you.
Today and every day Mom
In the gentle breeze a cross your skin
the rain shower in mid afternoon 
and the stars that brighten your way,
I am with you... 
covering you in a blanket of love.

Happy Mothers Day Mom.. I love you more then time or words can even begin to express....

Friday, May 6, 2011

What brings me home...

"Furnish your life with beauty"
~  Thomas Kinkade

During the times when I feel alone, and the sound of quite is deafening.  I stand on my balcony and remember my days on the Beaches of Florida....  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Live, Love, Laugh...

On my desk sits something I find myself reading frequently.:

Remember the big
picture and don't let the
details overwhelm it.
~ Thomas Kinkade

If time travel was possible, do you think you would use it?  Go back and fix something in the past.  Maybe right a wrong.  Wonder, if given the chance,  would.I?   Maybe I would; to glance back to when I was a young girl, to the days of sitting on my grandparents front lawn.. where the breeze brushed our skin, and the sunlight would touch my face.  

This is where I use to live.  Tiebout Ave in Bronx, New York.  My father was the Super for an apartment Complex on Tiebout Avenue.  When I say, we walked to school; we did just that.  Even in the winter snow.  I remember climbing down these stairs, man there were alot of them, to get to my school...PS 85

In the 70's, as a family we visited my grandparents in Florida.  My father loved the green grass and open spaces,  before we knew it, Florida became the place we called home.  We made neighborhood friends quickly.  Taught the kids how to play stick ball.  We learned about feeding chickens and cows.. I mostly ran from them to be honest.  Having a yard was nice, in the Big Apple; we would use the side of  buildings to play Hand ball.  There was a wreck room in our basement that held any and all toys, and a pool table room.  The pool table did not make the trip from New York to Florida.  We would ride the elevator up and down, time and time again..  Use boxes to slide down the stairwell, play Tag, Red Light Green Light, and Mother May I.  

My New York, Bronx School ~ PS 85

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Together; We Are Strong...

So many people are running on pure emotions these past few days. I have read many blogs and social network comments of people's anger over the Presidents speech.. or the anger over the death of Osama Bin Laden, and even angry posts and comments directed at our military.  I began to reflect on the events of 9/11 and what brought us to the point of a few days ago,  The death of Osama Bin Laden     My post today, is to honor those who lost greatly.  Those... so many have forgotten. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Head over heels.. No really !

With my own word playing in my head, I started out the door for work. Head held high, shoulders slightly back, posture and form looking good, and my head held high.   The day was going wonderfully, Customers were happy {for the most part}, returns were finished and paired to their mate; now to just help Lisa put away the order.   Sounds simple enough.  

With this head cold, and the hearing in my ears coming and going {like I am under water}, I found myself working in my own little world.  In between assisting patients, I was helping put away our order.  The delivery driver had arrived while I was on my first break of the day, not a big deal because we have such an awesome group of team players in our corner of the world.  I just hopped right to it, emptying the box and placing the product on one of the pods.  With my arms full, I was weaving in and out of the isles placing the products in their appropriate spots, just like I have done every day.. a thousand times over, and over, and over again. 

.  A strobe light. An out of body experience.   Down.   Down.  Down.  Stars.

I had just picked up some product off of the pod, I turned to head down the short dead end isle... Clank.. *@%  Clank..%!& Clatter.. %@!&.  Humph.... In slow motion I seen it coming, in real time I felt it