Oh the life of a girl. Woman. Female.
When I first started driving, it was a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere. I washed that baby inside and out. The undercarriage was spotless. No really, I washed the inside.
My car smelled of Pine Sol, and the dash was clean enough to eat off of. But no one ever did. Ewe!!
The seats, were a flawless blue color.
The steering wheel, was chrome.
Oh, I loved that car. It was in an accident. Some drunk jerk totaled it. I was crushed.
Today my sweety worked on my Malibu. She needed front brakes. The car, not my sweety. I could not wait until he was finished.
The car had been sitting in my mothers yard for almost a year. OK maybe it was more like 7 months, but that's close enough to a year.
It really seemed like a life time.
While I was cooking dinner, see my last Blog post Cheesy Tuesday, my sweety worked on the car. Tenderly. Lovingly. Carefully. In between cooking, I would check on his progress outside.
Not that I know anything about cars.
Or Brakes.
Or lug nuts.
Well, that's not 100% true. Lug Nuts hold the tire on. Right?
Any way, moving right along. When it was all said and done, I asked my sweety what the old brakes looked like.
I just want to turn the key and drive. In fact when I picked up the new brakes; I asked the Discount Auto Guy if there were classes for women to learn about fixing cars. I don't want to go to school for it, just learn a few simple things.
One thing I do know is, the brake pads shouldn't be flat like the one on the right. These are the front brakes. Hence the squealing and squeaking.
I would show you how they should look.....
... but they are behind here. I don't think my sweety would want to take all that apart again, just so I could snap the picture I missed.
The Malibu is on the road again. I can feel the wind blowing through my hair now, while the AC is cranked up to high.
And the window is down some.
It's the OCD.
I don't like being closed in while driving.
Or riding for that matter.
Thank you sweety, for putting my baby back together again!!
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