Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Do Over?...

 If given the chance for a "Do Over", would you want to start back from the beginning?   This term came up yesterday, while I on enjoying the afternoon breeze I heard two children playing outside and one of them said to the other.. "I want a Do Over".   With a smile on my face, and as my youth flashed before my very eyes,  quietly to myself I thought....   "Nope.  Wouldn't care for a  "Do Over"  myself".... I hold close every memory; Trial and tribulation,  Greatest joys and Happiness,  and Every Pain and Tear I felt in my life.  They have Molded me into the Wiser person I am today..

Watching my children live it up,  is the greatest gift of my life.  Seeing them in love and sharing moments with their children; it doesn't get any better then that.

This is my youngest daughter Ashley.  She loves to have a good time, making people laugh, and is a loyal to her friends.   It is never a dull moment with Ashley,  laughing is how you'd spend every second with her..

Her first child... Welcoming her home... Building memories... Creating bonds...

A visit to Florida, and a day out with her sister Tabitha for their first Nose Ring, and a first tattoo for Ashley.. Tinkerbell, in honor of her first born Jayla.  

Hanging out at home is nice, but Ashley would rather be traveling at mach 1 speeds with her hair on fire {sort of speaking}

And she is always out to have a good time..

 Beautiful inside and out,  stellar qualities, and wouldn't think twice about giving you her last buck..

 Her life has come full circle when her second child , a daughter, Arianna is born

But nothing will ever looks as good on a child {any child}.. then the look of falling in love.

 One of the greatest joys I could have ever witness,  the glowing light of my daughter in love...

Do Over you ask....

Ashley and Bruce bringing in the New Year With Awesome Family..

And Give up these great memories?  Nope, But thanks,  I want to hold on to every second of what I already have... and make new memories one day with my own Knight....

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