Find the Inspiration ..
Savor the Moments..
Enjoy the Laughter..
There is nothing I love more then spending my days off with Tabitha. My eldest daughter. She is everything I always wanted to be... and never was.
Her strength is one that, only few can measure.
Her commitment to family, is endless.
and Her laughter is, contagious to all.
"It’s her beauty that captures your attention. It’s her personality that captures your heart."
Devotion to her husband and family, is the driving force of Tabitha. Every second of her day is planned, every minute is spent tending to her house and keeping her boys going. And she does it, while planning her dinner menu by noon. Living every step, as if she is fulfilling the life she was always meant to lead. I have found that there isn't much Tabitha can't do, the talents she has been gifted with, leaves me (and many) speechless and in wonder.

She's a gift sent to me from the heavens. Born in '83, Tabitha has brought me the greatest joy, any mother could ever ask for. She taught me the true meaning of: Love. Forgiveness. Hope. and Strength. I counted on her as much as she counted on me. I was a young married mother, fresh out of high school, we grew up together in a sense. I would be lost without her. Not a single day goes by, that we have not talked or text. Not a day off goes without spending it together. My driving force, and the reason I thrive to be a better person, is because of her. She is who I always wanted to be.
The silly, witty, and goofy moments are the best. When you find yourself laughing hours later, at something she said earlier that day.
And she is the cheerleader in your corner, just when you needed one. The voice of reason, when you thought all reason had been lost.
She is Wife.. Mother... Friend... Chef... Craft teacher... cheerleader... Homemaker... Aunt... The hats she wears are endless. Always giving 100 percent of herself to everything she does.
Halloween 2008 ~ Tabitha and Garrett |
She is the most loving... caring person you will ever meet. And knowing her is a honor, an lasting impression that carries you though out the years to come. There isn't a person she meets that doesn't become her friend. And no matter what, when you need her, she's there... ready to give of herself and what ever she can to help. A rare gem.
Tabitha and Eli ~ 2010 |
She is the rock of her family. Putting no one before them. Making sure she is active in the knowledge of her husbands job. Her eldest sons school activities, and sports. And tending to her youngest sons every physical and mental need. All the while, never skipping a beat.
No matter what hat she wears. She will always be my little girl. My first born. My Inspiration.
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