There is something to be said about Earth Day. Like Christmas, people from all over come together with one common goal; to make the Big Blue Marble a better place to live.
When I was growing up, I was drawn to the commercial with the Indian actor and the person throwing the bag of food out of the car window. Remember that one? A single tear falls from the Indians face as the bag of food lands at his feet; Iron Eyes Cody. What strong message if you really LISTEN and SEE it. I posted the link below so you can watch it.
Today a wonderful way to get our younger generation involved in caring for our Earth, get them interested in Earth Day. Start off your Earth Day outside of your front yard. Start in your own neighborhood. Grab a trash bag, and walk through your neighborhood picking up any liter that has blown in, dropped on the ground, or was forgotten at the curb side. How about visiting your child's favorite park or playground, lead by example and get your child involved in cleaning up the area you both enjoy. This morning, I am going to do exactly the same thing. All my children are grown, but I am going to make an impact in my neighborhood and pick up the trash along the road side.
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Arches National Park |
Funny thing about LEADING is, before you know it; others follow suite. Here is a perfect example. When I returned from visiting my son and daughter in law {and my new grand baby}, I began working on my yard. Once I started, so did my neighbors. Next door to me, Lois and her daughter/grand daughter, started raking leaves and picking up limbs in her yard. Just three days ago, she planted colorful flowers in her wine barrels. It is so pretty and made such a big difference in her front yard. My neighbor Pat, on the other side of me, also started cleaning up one of the fenced areas in her back yard. Granted there is still a whole lot of work to be done there, but the work her family did do made a big impact on that fenced area. I still have a lot of leaves to pick up and burn myself, but seeing the end result in Lois yard has me itching to get back at it. A possible broken wrist is the only thing holding me back.
The point is, there is all kinds of Earth Day events going on today, here is a link where you can find an Event near you. Get your children or grand children hyped up about Earth Day.
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The Amazon Rainforest |
There are also business taking part in Earth Day as well, here are just a few of them.. check your local listings for Earth Day Events and Savings.
Buy a Tee, and they will Plant a tree, and if I understand it correctly.. even give you 20% off your total purchase. The cool part is, the tree will be planted in YOUR name. What a great gift to give your child or grandchild, and the Earth.
FREE coffee with them, just bring in your own reusable coffee mug!
Target is giving away one FREE reusable bag per customer today. Save a tree, pick up your reusable bag!
In need of a new washer or dryer, dishwasher or refrigerator? Lowes is offering 10% off any Energy Star Qualified Appliance $299 or more. Better hurry, offer ends 4/23/2012
Get a FREE Organic Toy Bunny with a purchase of $20 or more by shopping with Babo Botanicals.
Receive 20% off all Earth Friendly Toys at Barns & Noble. No need for a Coupon Code Today!!,default,pg.html
Make it - Take it ~ completed project at Michaels, and your child takes home a FREE tote bag. Hurry, offer is only from 1pm till 3pm. Check the Events Schedule at your Local Michaels.
FREE ADMISSION at ALL 357 U.S. National Parks!! WOW!! This offer will last through April 29th. What a SUPER way to spend Earth Day with your child or grandchild.
Inspire the little gardener in your household today by taking him/her to Pottery Barn Kids. There kids will receive a packet of Sunflower Seeds for FREE!!!
There is even something for the person who just CAN NOT leave their house. How about planting a tree for just $1 dollar. Check out the link below...
Be sure to take lots of Earth Day photos. Share them. Post them on your Social Network Site. Blog about your Earth Day. Display your photos proudly, and more importantly; Do your part today and EVERYDAY. Start a trend in your family. Get Involved. Help Keep Our Big Blue Marble, our planet, Beautiful.
Happy Earth day Everyone !!